Let's get to know some thing about our creator (God)

God is here, there, and Everywhere. Each of us needs to discover the innate truth. We do not learn how to do this, we do not want to cultivate or adopt this curiosity; It is an inherent part of our analytical, questioning mind. Our natural questions arise - "Who is the creator?" "Why did he create this universe?" "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" And so on.Well, we can smash our heads against the wall for answers; But we will get broken heads and no answer. We can try intellectual analysis; We will still come to a dead end, because there are no answers. Even the greatest philosophers cannot answer questions about creation. There may be some examples of an understanding, but there is certainly no concrete, positive answer. No person walking on this earth could find a proper, logical answer to explain creation and its mysteries. So we can keep asking why, why, and why, but still there will be no answer. It is human nature to doubt the positive and believe in the negative because our mind naturally leans towards negativity. That is the sheer nature of the mind. How many of us doubt that Satan exists? We are convinced about the existence of Satan without proof - we seem comfortable with the idea of ​​Satan. We talk about it with a certain belief and conviction. We do not search for proof or question the existence of Satan, or Kaal, as it is universally accepted.But do we talk about the existence of God with the same faith, the same confidence, the same conviction? Probably right there. We are constantly asking, or studying, evidence of its existence. We walk from our roots and question the existence of God in times of calamity. Whether the existence of both God and Satan is known or controversial, the doctrine of the presence of Satan seems more credible because the mind easily leans towards negativity. Yet we doubt the positive - that God exists.

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